
When I joined Uken, LootQuest was the project I was most interested in working on. Fortunately when I was a co-op I had that opportunity.

LootQuest had many iterations and many ideas of what it wanted to be. Turn based, real time, a single player controlled character or a player controlled party.

Henrik Viktor Mitra



However at it’s core LootQuest was a dungeon crawler on mobile. You ran through procedurally generated dungeons, killed groups of mobs with spells and attacks, and collected loot.

There was automated PvP, basic crafting, and a gear upgrade system.

I joined the project later in in development cycle so I wasn’t there to work on the core systems. Specifically I got to work on the automated PvP system, potion cooldowns, fixes to map generation based on dungeon generation, updates to the scripting system for the production team, updates to Monster Closets for our enemy generation and scripting system, as well as various bug fixes.

LootQuest had a lot of cool stuff in it, but they didn’t work together to make up a cohesive whole because people had many different ideas of what that whole should be. However I am still proud of the work I accomplished for the relatively short time I was on that project and still love talking about it and showing it off. I particularly like showing off all the bugs and weird things found and done during the project. Two of my favourites are:

Lord Helmet:

I wasn’t able to recall the exact origins of Lord Helmet so I asked the Adam Proctor project lead of LootQuest to give a quick explanation. “I think we wanted to restyle enemies with helmets to make them less human. I think they overlapped the face shape a bit much, so I was showing Ben we’d have to alter the faces or scale up the helmets a bit. Then I think I just pushed it a bit further ‘cause I liked DK mode”

Agorix Spooktacular Spam:

When you got Agorix down to a certain amount of health he was supposed to teleport away and live to fight another day, however this bug gave him some interesting behaviour. Instead of running away he decided to start spamming his summon skeletons spell and his fire ball spell. He also became immune and you could no longer move. You were basically done for.

Thanks For Reading!