REKT was a game I worked on for a Uken Games hadoukathon awhile ago. The idea we had was to build an endless runner with waves, power ups, and shooting. We were able to create some really cool systems.


I got the chance to work on power-ups at the start of day one and was quickly able to get 3 solid ones for the different tanks up and running.



Shield was a really easy power-up to make. I essentially wrapped the player character in a volume and destroyed any enemy bullets that entered the volume.



Bomb ended up being a lot easier than I thought after I had done the work for shield. I essentially used the volume for the shield, substituted a fiery effect for the calmer blue patterned shield, and grew that volume until it passed all active wave spawns. Since shields already destroyed all enemy bullets within them I only needed to add the logic to also destroy the ships themselves and it was done.


This is one of my favourite power-ups in this game mostly because of the hack implementation and the resulting behavior from this implementation. To get this boost working as quickly as possible I slapped an invincible shield with a collider onto the player character and just increased the timescale of the whole game. This would cause the player character to roll like it was a joyriding hamster in an indestructible hamster wheel. It is great and makes for some really funny situations.


We created another really cool system for this project and it was our waves system. The wave system consisted of a Wavemanager that would instantiate new waves when the previous one ended with some variance on that timing as well as randomly choosing how many waves it would instantiate. The waves themselves had a list of individual objects in the wave and would be the one managing how the objects moved. So for example the Wavemanager would instantiate a carpet wave which would fly in from the right of the screen shoot at the player character and would fly off on the left side of the screen.  Or it would instantiate a drop wave which would drop in from the sky and then start shooting at the player before eventually flying off. The system was modular and flexible enough that the objects that can make up a wave were pretty much anything we wanted, but for the sake of the game jam though we settled on ships and rockets. Here is a cool example of the wave system in action.


Also This:

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